Combinating different patterns of Ankara fabrics can be really fascinating. This style has been around for a while now. But why do people do this?
Our team was on the street to find out what really makes people mix different patterns together in one single style.
Our first respondant - Amaka 26, fashion designer said " when I make dresses for my clients and there are leftover, I usually encourage them to make another dress from the leftover fabrics. On the other hand, some clients simply walk into my shop with two, three or in some cases though not very common, with as much as four pieces of Ankara fabrics and request that I create something for them"
Ruth, 31, civil servant said I like what is it because when when made, they really look good.
Stylishnaija has thus made this collection of trendy styles you can make by combining different patterns of Ankara fabrics.
Let's have a look.

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