Beautiful Ankara print patterns abounds. They come in various colors to enable you make your choice. The popularity of these patterns is some worth noticed from region to regions and in some case class is the separator.
Most of the popular patterns have being around since ages past. Seasons come seasons go but most of these popular prints simply refuse to leave the stage But why so? Is it because they are so beautiful or because they are so uniquely designed? Hmm I think both factors are in place here.
In this series of Ankara patterns that rocks, I present to you 7 popular Ankara print patterns that rocks. These popular patterns has their nick names. These names enable the traders to identified specific demands from buyers. They are nick named according to the way they look. I shall be focusing on these nick named in subsequent post. For today, our focus shall be mainly on the 7 popular Ankara print patterns that rocks
The creativity of our fashion designers has further enhanced the beauty and splendour of these patterns.
You can tailor Ankara patterns to suit your taste and style
Do you need Short Flare Gowns for Any Occasion, long umbrella gowns, six piece skirts and blouse for that Owanbe, jump suits pants or long slim gowns for that Friday evening dinner, these popular patterns serves all.
Stylish Naija has gathered just seven eye catching Ankara patterns and styles to inspire you to add to your wardrobe.
Scroll down to enjoy some of the patterns for today


Hi there! Such a great post, thanks!